I expect that more people/companies will resort to
smashing the
hard drives of computers they get rid of :(
the local computer recycling place here won't actually take in any machines
with hard drives intact (from companies or individuals) unless said persons can
prove that the drive(s) have been 'professionally wiped' - whatever that means.
The recyclers are worried about being sued by the very companies / individuals
that they got the machines from in the event that any data falls into somebody
elses' hands.
PC clones form 99% of the stuff coming in, but it's a shame that when the odd
bit of exotica does come in it is without any disks and essentially useless
without a copy of the OS and a suitable drive (and the knowledge to install
said OS). I understand the RAM usually gets pulled if it's anything remotely
useful and the rest goes straight to the metal recyclers (I talked to them
seperately and they crush everything immediately)
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