The phosphor compositions are not secret, only the way they are made!
The old monochrome green P39 is made of Zinc Silicate activated with
Manganese and a trace of Arsenic to extend the persistence,(Zn2SiO4:Mn:As)
which is the main difference between that and P1 (Zn2SiO4:Mn).
The old monochrome orange "LA" phosphor is made of Cadmium Chlorophosphate
activated with Manganese (Cd5(PO4)3.Cl:Mn). There are not always
equivalents between the two codes. We stopped making LA phosphor for the
far eastern market in the mid 90's because of environmental issues and the
rise of colour monitors.
I hope this helps
David Pendrill
Head of Research and Development.
Phosphor Technology
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