-------------Original Message: --------------
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 16:06:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: Fred Cisin <cisin at xenosoft.com>
Subject: Re: C trivia - was Re: Dennis Ritchie has died
...Although, admittedly, that was half a century ago
(PI does NOT change!)
(or DOES IT??))
Grumpy Ol' Fred
Well, Xerox was ready in case it ever does!
Supposedly from their Fortran manual:
"The primary purpose of the Data statement is to give names to constants;
instead of referring to pi as 3.141592653589793 at every appearance, the
variable Pi can be given that value with a Data statement and used instead
of the longer form of the constant. This also simplifies modifying the
program, should the value of pi change."