Yes, it's a shameless plug, but no it's not for my hardware.
An individual by the name of Ken Pettit has designed a new piece of
computer hardware called NADSBox - it's centered around simple portable
file storage for the Tandy Model 100/102/200/NEC 820x (Kyocera-OEMmed)
laptops that allows you to use an SD card to be used as a (dang big) floppy
drive - and preserves the DOS file structure so you can easily transfer
files from the SD card to your Winders/Mac (and I'll assume Linux, but it's
not specifically mentioned) machine.
Here's a press release on the unit:
And the user manual:
More info at:
The inventor has several built and are slated for a 1 November 08 ship
date, and if you [pre]order before 1 Jan 09, you'll get it for a cheaper price.
Now... they're not cheap, at the preorder price of $150 & $10 worldwide
shipping, but these things really are designed for the customer - they come
with a 512Meg SD card with a built-in USB port so if you don't have a media
reader, you won't have to buy one! Lo & Behold, tho - if that's not big
enough, the NADSBox will support 16G SD cards!
See the webpage mentioned above for more information on this *very*
interesting piece of hardware for the Model 'T' laptops!
Oh, and no, I'm not dead... yet anyway. My current employment situation is
working on changing that in short order... but at least I'm employed.
Roger "Merch" Merchberger | A new truth in advertising slogan
SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers | for MicroSoft: "We're not the oxy...
zmerch at | oxymoron!"