Although there are people interested in collecting historic software (especially source
code), I don?t know of a central place to discuss it. I?ve collected the original IBM 704
Fortran/Fortran II compiler, the original IBM 709x Lisp II interpreter, and various other
things (see
http://www.softwarepreservation.org/projects). As you build up your collection
of CAD-related source code, I would encourage you to offer copies to the Computer History
Museum (
http://www.computerhistory.org/artifactdonation/) for long-term preservation.
Paul McJones
On May 21, 2018, Randy Dawson <rdawson16 at hotmail.com> wrote:
For a while I have collected bits of legacy CAD, most
recently Martin Hepperle sent me what I believe is the last version of Hank
Christianson's MOVIE.BYU, a FORTRAN based 3D modeling and animation system.
I also have experimented with the original Berkley SPICE, also written in FORTRAN.
My question is, did any of the source code for these systems, Applicon, Auto-Trol, Calma,
ComputerVision, thousands of lines of primarily FORTRAN ever make it out, where we could
read and study this original body of mathematical geometry done on computers?
I know we are primarily a hardware group here, but where is the interest in the software