On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 6:47 PM, Chris M <chrism3667 at yahoo.com> wrote:
where are you located? I have an Amiga 600 and my
original 64c and 1541c, but haven't turned either on since oh 1989 I think. The 600
has been *on* in much more recent days. Seemingly in good shape.
I'm in the northern suburbs of chicago.
It appears that I've "won" a 64c and 1541-2 from ebay for $25. Not a
bad deal since I can drive over and pick it up.
As far as the 600 is concerned, my M key doesn't work. I might be
able to clean the switch and bring it back to life, or maybe not. So
I'm really just after the keyboard. What would you want for the 600?