Subject: RE: 8-bitters and multi-whatever
From: "Rod Smallwood" <RodSmallwood at>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 07:06:42 +0100
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic Posts Only" <cctech at>
I worked at DEC in '82 at the UK HQ (Decpark)
I'm sure we had more than 50 nodes in the UK alone.
The SET HOST list went on forever.
Rod Smallwood
I used to have the netmap for DECnet/DEC for around '82 and it was by
all accounts there at DEC the largest network on the planet but the total
node count wasn't that high. The second largest was a DEC custormer
Dupont at around 50 nodes. A large portion were phase III nodes. Huge
contrast to 1988ish when people started subnetting DECnet as the
phase IV address scheme had run out of space.