...in deference to one of our treasured list members.
I suspect I half-fit that, in that I celebrated Newtonsday yesterday but
I would hardly call myself 'treasured'.
And to others, Merry Christmas; and to all, a Happy
New Year; may
FWIW, I hae no objection to people who celebrate Christmas, or any other
religious festival. Your beliefs are just that -- yours -- and I am not
going to criticise them.
What I do have an objection to is the ridiculous over-comercialisation of
Christmas that has taken place over here (and I guess elsewhere), along
with products advertisd as 'ideal gifts'. The only reason they're ideal
givts is that nobody would want them themselves, so the only thing you
can do with them is give them to somebody else.
There's another annoying thing happening over here at the momnet -- the
celebration of the end of a decade. Darn it, ther was no year 0. So the
decade ends at the end of 2010, not the end of 2009.
I did the traditioaal things on Newtonsday. Traditional for me, that is.
Namely repariing classic computers. I spent the moring making a keeper
for the permanent magnet field in that burnt-out motor in my 9125A
plotter [1] and then took the motor apart. The afternoon was spent
stripping the old wire off the armature core and making notes as to how
it was wound.
[1[ The plotter for the HP9100. I refuse to enter the debate as to
whether the HP9100 is a computer or not. It's a classic piece of
electronics, it's a programmable data processing device. And it's beautiful.
your capacitors all retain a low ESR and may the
"good stuff" appear
at the curbside of your path, decked with signs saying "take me"!
I wish :-)