The 2716 requires the following signals/voltage for programming:-
Read Operation
/EP (Pin 18) => Logic 0
/G (Pin 20) => Logic 0
Vpp (Pin 23) => +5V DC
Program Operation
/EP (Pin 18) => Logic 0 to Logic 1 50mS (approx) pulse, per location to be
/G (Pin 20) => Logic 1
Vpp (Pin 23) => +25V DC
Verify Operation
/EP (Pin 18) => Logic 0
/G (Pin 20) => Logic 0
Vpp (Pin 23) => +25V DC or +5V DC
To program one, the sequence is...
1 - Raise Vpp to +25V DC
2 - /EP at Logic 0
3 - Raise /G to Logic 1
4 - Supply Address information
5 - Supply data information
6 - Provide a Logic 0 to Logic 1 45-55mS pulse on /EP
7 - Drop /G to Logic 0
8 - Read data to verify the contents
9 - Get next address location, and go back to step 3
Do this for the required locations you want to program/verfiy. When finished
burning/verifying the 2716, you can drop Vpp back to +5V DC for normal read
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