From: Tony Duell <ard(a)>
Anyway, one such book (aimed at older children I guess)
was called
'Making a Transistor Radio'. The set was built on a wooden board, using
woodscrews and screwcuop washers as terminials (and thus no soldering
involved). You started out making a crystal set, then
added a single
audio stage (OC71), then a second stage (another OC71), then added a
loudspeaker (using an LT700 output transformer). And finally you
the crystal detector with the OC45 regenerative stage.
It's been years since I built that way but the first transistor design I
did was
back in '65 with my first "RF' transistor 2n384. It was regenerative.
battle (for me) back then I lived less than a mile from 3000W daytime AM
radio station. Not listening to that was indeed a learning expereince.
Hmm, I'd never want to build a live-chassis set.
Isolated PSUs seem like
a very good idea on experimental designs...
I'd agree but it was a cheap circuit.
Never built a valve radio. Built other valve stuff over
the years,
It good fun. I did one recently on maple (real wood breadboard) using
some of the talves (tubes) provided by one of the members. I went
for the classic Q5er, 4 tubes in all, osc/mixer feeding a regenerative
IF at 455kc followed by one stage of audio. Makes a fair shortwave RX.
Radio is one thing I still enjoy.