On Oct 13, 14:12, Megan wrote:
Jerome Fine replies:
While I have a number of versions of the source for SST (Super
Star Trek) which was first written around the same time, I don't
think I have the FORTRAN IV source for the SST.SAV and
SST.DOC files (well obviously I do have the source for the
DOC file since that is the source) that were also released
around 1979 as well. Those two files are at dbit under games
for RT-11 unless you want me to e-mail them.
Might you know where the FORTRAN IV source for that
version might be found. Also, I suspect that the 1979 version
of SST must have been compiled using V3.0x of RT-11.
Your message was in response to my message about Spacewar on
a GT40... I wasn't talking about Star Trek or Super Star Trek.
They are entirely different games...
I've not seen SST for quite a while... I might have a copy
somewhere in my disk archives, but they are not currently
accessible (being in storage)... I'm pretty sure there is
a copy *somewhere* on the net...
Jerome, have you looked at the FORTRAN IV version of Star Trek on my page
http://www.dunnington.u-net.com/public/startrek/ ? It's Kay Fisher's
(from DEC) translation of Mike Mayfield's program. It's not the same as
the version at dbit, though. If that one is a 10x10 grid instead of the
classic 8x8, it's probably the UT Super Star Trek released through DECUS.
You can probably find it in the DECUS catalogue.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York