On Jan 29, 2013, at 4:17 AM, "E. Groenenberg" <quapla at xs4all.nl>
I've got a pdp11/34 in a BA-11L mounting box, and I'm trying to find out
what rack hardware I need to rackmount the beast. If anyone has info
(part numbers, etc), or can point me at a resource (or even a supplier),
I would much appreciate it.
Did it come with the outer box as well? That is mounted directly
to the front & back posts of a (Dec) rack.
It's the outer box that's missing. As far as I can find out, it doesn't even
have its own DEC part number, it's "integral" with the BA11-L.
If you only have the inner frame, you might try to use 2 angle bars
mounted to the sides of the rack and let it rest on it.
If it comes to that, I will install a standard rack shelf and set the beast on that, but
I'd really like to be able to slide it out of the rack and lock.
My best bet might be to find a complete BA11-L and just use its outer box...
Anyone have one lying around?
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