From: Tim Shoppa <shoppa(a)>
> I just acquired (5 minutes ago) a DEC TU80 open
reel tape drive, but no
> docs. There is a 3rd party Q-bus card (Distributed Logic Corp) that came
> with it, cables seem to line up. Does anyone know anything about this
Sure - it's a rebadged CDC Keystone, Pertec formatted interface.
Is that the same interface as a TS05? I have a TSV05 Q-bus controller, same
dual 50 pin cables.
, can it work
in a MicroVAX II or VAX 3600
Sure. Is the card a DQ132?
It's a DQ152, rev A, dual wide Q-bus card, with 2 50 pin ribbon connectors.
It uses an 8097 controller CPU (part of the MCS-96 family if I recall
correctly), 14.745Mhz xtal (an odd speed, something Pertec related?), a
couple gate arrays (Q-Bus and Pertec interfaces?), an EPROM, and a 2063 type
static RAM. Circuit board has a 1986 copyright date
*Do not* plug the Dilog card into a Q-bus if the board
number begins with
DU. That would be a Bad Thing.
Customer doesn't have any Unibus machines, I thought of that
The board has one jumper block, I assume for the CSR address. It's a single
in-line 10 pin header, with pins 2 and 3 jumpered together. Might someone
have the settings for this? If not I'll try the VMS newsgroup.