Any possibility that your VT-100 emulator can be
to support 132 character text lines? Most of the programs
that I write are in MACRO-11 and they require 132 character
text lines for the list files which are generated. The
alternative is to use 80 character text lines with wrap
around and that is so messy that it becomes almost useless
by comparison.
Not likely - as far as I know there are no standard PC text
video modes that give 132 columns. Even in graphical mode,
the highest standard resolution supported by VGA is 640x480,
which isn't enough for 132 columns. I might be able to do
SVGA 800x600 on *most* cards, which could work, but so far
I've not done a bit-mapped version (that would be a lot of
changes to my emulator).
The other reason is that I use the KEYPAD characters
RT-11 for both KED and SL:(Single Line Editor). Are you
confident that the <NumLock> keypad key acts as the <GOLD>
key which translates to the 3 character sequence: "<ESC>[P"?
Also, the keypad comma, ".", key on the VT-100 is just above
the <ENTER> keypad key, but does not exist on the PC keypad.
I finally settled on the <Pause> key as a substitute since
there never seemed to be any use other for <Pause>. What
does your VT-100 emulator substitute for the keypad comma,
",", key?
The original terminal I announced was "close" on the keypad,
but did not support use of the NumLock, '/' or ENTER keys.
I've just posted an updated version which is "really close",
and is limited only by the physical keypad difference.
In this version I map (on the keypad in application mode):
NumLock = PF1, '/' = PF2, '*'=PF3, '-' = PF4
0-9 = 0-9
'.' = '.'
'+' = ','
PgDn = '-'
I chose this layout because '+' takes up both '-' and ','
slots, and PgDn is the closest additional key I could get
to either one of those - It's at the same latitude as '-',
but to the left of '7' instead of to the right of '9'.
The good news is that I've added a "Keyboard mapping"
configuration function which will allow you to assign the
individual Normal, SHIFT and CTRL functions of *ANY* key on
the keyboard, so you aren't stuck with my choices. You can
also assign multiple PC keys to the same VT-100 function
if you like.
I've also got 30 programmable function keys using PC F1-10
ShiftF1-10 and CtrlF1-10 which you can define to any strings
you like. These too can be remapped to appear on other keys.
And finally, On the VT-100 keyboard, the
is at the bottom left hand corner of the keyboard. While the
standard 105 keyboard from a PC can't exactly correspond to
the VT-100, the <Left Ctrl> key can act in that manner and the
<Caps Lock> key then becomes the <Ctrl> key on the VT-100. Is
your VT-100 emulator able to manage this aspect as well?
I hadn't implemented NoScroll (never use it, I'm so used to
entering CTRL-S and CTRL-Q directly on various systems)...
I really didn't want to mess with the CTRL keys since I'm very
used to where they are located on the PC, so I've added NoScroll
to the PC "Scroll Lock" key.
As noted above, you can now assign the behaviour of all keys,
so you can easily create exactly the layout you requested. My
keyboard handler differentiates between Left and Right Ctrl,
Alt, Shift and "windows" keys, so you can map these individually
any way you like. I default "Caps Lock" to "Caps Lock", but you
can move that to another key and make it the CTRL key if you
wish (my keyboard remapper supports assigning SHIFT and CTRL
keys as well - just be sure to assign them in ALL modes -
otherwise they move around as you move between Normal, SHIFT
and CTRL modes, which can be a bit confusing...
Another thing I've added in this most recent version is that I
came up with technique when using a VGA card to not only load
a custom font which gives you all the VT-100 graphic characters,
but also to enable all of the VT-100 attributes (Bold, Underline,
Blink and Reverse) in any and all combinations.
I forgot to mention last time - I'm interested in improving the
emulator, so I'm happy to make corrections and additions (within
reason) - just let me know what you you would like to see.
NOTE: I am currently unscribed from the list - I've been trying for
the past week to get resubscribed, however so far no joy ... The only
way I have to read it is via the web site which is rather painfull,
and somewhat delayed - so reponses will be slow in coming. I'm hoping
this will go through since I've seen other messages which appear to
be from non-subscribers.
dave06a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
com Collector of vintage computing equipment: