<> What HTML utility works on my pro350 under venix.
Venix does not have IP suite only uucp. A version is not installed nor
have I found one. It would however have to fit on the 10mb disk.
<> Same question for my PDP-11s running RT-11?
<> Or my ISP shell account (choice of ELM, PINE or MAIL)?
<Lynx? (which of course can be set up as a viewer for text/html mime types
Keep in mind that the access in that mode is terminal(not a PC) so
graphics is out.
<> Then there is the matter of my laptop (EPSON PX-8 running CP/M-80)?
<You do a lot of mail reading from this machine then? I can list a bunch
<machines that don't have any tools or utilities that handle HTML too, but
<don't use them for reading mail.
I do if I need portability (on the road). I have a scripted modem tool
that interacts with ISPs shell and mail to download mail and send mail.
storage is critical (120k ramdisk!) so bloat is problematic.
<> How about my VS2000 tunning ultrix-4.2 off a 71meg disk?
<> Then there is the matter of my vaxen running VMS-5.5?
<Pine/lynx again.I think one of your problems is that you obviously read y
<mail on far too many different machines. :) How do you keep track of whe
<things are?
Your avoiding the question. If I were limited any of those I'd need
tools specific to them. As there are many people that do not or cannot
afford the latest and greatest it's not a moot point.
In reality my 486dx2/50 with 8meg of ram is the primary mailreader.
However I'm not about to drag up eudora or nyetscrape to read mail as
it's too slow for simple plain text. Of course if you sincerely believe
that using a 486 is stupid I'll gladly accept a P100 donation.
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