Thanks, I really appreciate it.
Lawrence LeMay
100 Union Street SE
190 Shepherd Labs
Minneapolis, MN 55455
-Lawrence LeMay
I have a fair # of the docs for these. I won't
have the time to dig them
out until late next week however. If you will remind me off list toward the
end of next week and forward your add I will dig them out and drop them in
UPS to you. All I ask is please make copies and return them sometime within
a month or so.
The remaining boards are from VG Data Systems. Someone here once mentioned
they had information about some of these boards, and i'd like to know
if any of these boards might be useful, or easily modified to be
PB-8E-202 on a standard DEC wirewrap board, should be able to make
something out of it.
PB-8E-504 2 of this board
PB-8E-644 input connector has written: works as MS30, PDP8 [C:]
-Lawrence LeMay