-----Original Message-----
From: John C. Ellingboe john at
Sent 9/6/2008 2:31:55 PM
To: General Discussion GeneralDiscussion@
Subject: Re: OT: Linux and OpenOffice
tonym wrote:
Guys, I am having one issue, and haven't figured it out yet...
Trying to get the satellite images from the NOAA website at
I keep getting errors about java not being enabled, and under Edit-Prefs,
I see both javascript and java enabled.
I'm using the Ubuntu-included FireFox, which is 3.0.1
Check the package installer and see if they have sun-java or some such
name. I have run across several packages for some kind of java and the
sun version of java is the only one that ever worked for me.
Thanks - downloading as I type this...
I figured as much last night, and downloaded/installed the JRE from
but it must've gone into the wrong place.
I shoulda' checked the package manager, I mean, it has a search function sitting