On August 15, Bob Stek wrote:
If it's a Calera board, it was designed by our own
Jim Battle (come on
out and take a bow, Jim!).
Kick ass! Great job, Jim! I was really impressed with that board.
It did a wonderful job, and seemed very well-designed.
Semi-OT Small World Dept. - In 1987 I used a Palantir
OCR unit (5 68000
CPU's and 2MB ROM code) to convert all 60 Sherlock Holmes stories into
machine readable ASCII format (sold several hundred copies of 'An
Electronic Holmes Companion.') Soon after, Palantir was bought by
Calera, and Jim Battle designed the ASIC for their board. Nearly 10
years later I hook up with Jim Battle when I send him a copy of the Sol
User's Manual, and he remembers having heard about this guy who used the
Palantir to scan the Holmes stories!
Interesting...the Calera board and software that I used created
".pda" files...for "Palantir Document Architecture".
Dave McGuire
Laurel, MD