Hi Jose,
Sure, scanned them all in a while ago for someone else. There is
a lot of stuff so I will post up onto one of my servers and email the
link to d/l
Korneluk Jose-EJK016 wrote:
Do you still have the ATR8000 co-power-88 software and docs?
Let me know, I will have some free time this summer and I would like to lay out a new
co-power-88 PCB and make it available to all those interested.
-- jos? k.
954.723.8072 office
954.818.1856 nextel
UFMI: 158*213*49
jose.korneluk at
"Sentido comun es el menos comun de todos los sentidos"
"Common sense is the least common of all the senses" ... Spanish proverb
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