This message appeared on the Greenkeys list. It's not mine and I'm on
the opposite coast anyway, but for those of you looking for a classic
I/O device at a less-than-eBay price, this may be of interest.
Please contact Jason directly.
---------------------------- Original Message
Subject: 33 ASR for sale, Burbank, CA
Hi all,
I am in project-reduction mode. I'm not going to do anything with this
33 ASR, or I should say, I haven't done anything with it, so I'm
offering it for sale. I'd be thrilled to get my $40 back out of it.
Pictures of it when I got it, looks exactly the same, starting here:
I can reassemble it back into a single unit, or leave it in its state
seen, depending on preference of the new owner.
I will be selling junk out at the Chino Hills swap meet tomorrow
morning, I'd prefer NOT to bring it with me, but if that's what it takes
to get it into your hands, and $40 into mine, I can alter my preference.
Thanks and 73,
Jason W6IEE
w6iee.811a at