On Wed, 29 Mar 2006 07:49:35 -0500, James Fogg wrote:
Same here,
I think the lead and mercury form an amalgam that flows in our
bloodstream and shields us from the other inhaled and dermal absorbed
I figured if the dentist could put silver and mercury in my teeth how bad could it be ?
> >Apparently, it leads to an
obsessive-compulsive disorder where the
> >poisoned tries to collect as much computer junk as will fit on his
> >property.
I always thought it was advanced Silicon addiction.
The advanced cases show signs of renting and borrowing
space to hold
equipment that won't fit into their own property. I've seen where once
the cellar and living room and dining room are filled (and the wife has
left the marriage) they go on to spending all free money on rental sheds
and even warehouse space. The truly sick go on to form museums so they
can write off their expenses on their income tax.
My favorite excuses for the truly addicted.
1. Future offerings to the Church of the Silicon Life-Form.
Don't laugh, my cat puts toys in his food dish as offerings to the food god, it gets
him fed :)
I have a long list of people who have indicated over the years they would like to be a
founding member if it was ever formalized.
I have found computers on my front porch, one wrapped in a blanket with a sign
"please give it a good home".
2. I have been using the museum excuse for years.
SheWhoMustBeObayed rolls her eyes, and mutters "and what year do you plan on doing
this ?"
I think after listening to this dream for 30+ years she wants the rest of the house back
I plan on taking both my wife and my mother to VCF3 to prove there are others with this
3. It is a long term investment ! Some days this stuff will be antiques and worth big
bucks again.
dkdkk on ebay is a good example. If you search by bidder on ebay:
and added up his winning bids over any given 30 day period you will find it well over $10k
most months.
I saw it at just over $25k in a month last year. This last 30 days looks to be about $14k
if anyone wants to add it up.
4. Consultancy is the best business "front" on the rare case where there is any
income associated with the activity.
I would hate to have Suetbandit's tax bill this year, but then again, an estimated
quarter mil or so of cash and paypal sales would be a nice problem to have :-)
5. To quote John Foust : If toxoplasmosis infection causes rats to no longer fear cat
urine, .... typical nerd exposure to various toxic substances could enhance forms of
afflictions, including hoarding.
got to run ...
Till later. Hope this makes the list in a timely manor :)
Bob Bradlee