"Carlini, Antonio" wrote:
My quick check of the the VT102 and VT220 manuals does not show
"ESC /" as a recognised emulated VT52 sequence. The VT100 manual
makes it quite clear how to react to random ESCape sequences. It is
pretty silent on VT52 emulation mode.
Exactly. I suspect that later terminals ignored all of "ESC / B" (in
fact, "/" could be any character from column 2, SP -> "/") because
terminal would be impervious to a host that incorrectly echoed back the
ident response.
I suspect the VSRM is too (if we still have one in the
office, I'll
check tomorrow).
Ooh, you tease! Any chance of that document escaping altogether?
The only way to determine whether the VT1xx is a
faithful VT52
emulator is to see what a real VT52 does. (Or read the schematics,
which I believe are online).
They are online, but the schematics don't list the contents of the ROM
containing the actual "program" executed by the VT52. The maintenance
manual gives a nice description of the instruction set, but no listing.
Of course, deliberate decisions are made about how faithful a later
model would be when emulating an earlier one. After all, a VT220 in
VT100 mode doesn't emulate a VT100; it emulates a VT102 (or VT100 plus
Level 2 Editing Extension, if you like).