On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 03:38:49PM -0500, Douglas Quebbeman wrote:
I have
that machines with either residue (pot or cigs) don't tend to
have mice live
in them when sotred - I tried this by putting a bag of
tobacco (cloth bag)
inside and purposely left a filler plate off - no mice. The
machine without
had all sorts of acorn shells, poop, nesting materials, etc though.
Great tip, thanks, the old IBM 716 Line Printer was *full*
of that; had I known I could stick a pack of Viceroys in
there to cure it, I might not have dismantled it...
Seems like the mice "know" that nicotine is a strong toxin.
q: If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would
you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
a: I hope to die before I *have* to use Microsoft Word.
-- Harald Koenig <koenig(a)tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de> asking Donald E. Knuth