For small amounts I use Jameco Electronics...
tiggerlasv at
DigiKey or Unicorn Electronics.
Both want $25 on the order or a handling fee
At 09:03 AM 2/29/2008, you wrote:
It used to be you could go to Radio Shack and
pick up a couple of
chips as needed. Now it seems there isn?t a
source for someone who
wants to
purchase a handful of 74xx ttl chips. I have a
?brand new? s100 SIO
that is just missing the 14 logic chips to go in
the sockets, but I am
finding a convenient source for them.
Anyone know where I can go to find them in very small quantities?
Jeff Erwin
The Digikey "Handling fee" used to be $5 . . .
If you're buying 14 TTL's, you may already be at the $25 minimum. . .
I don't usually start with Digikey, though.
Try checking out MOUSER . . . MCM electronics, or JAMECO.
All can be reached at their .com websites. . .
(Jameco still has NOS 4164's and 41256's and decent prices.)