Kudos to Doug Youza for the Classiccmp FAQ at
www.yowza.com/classiccmp/faq.txt I downloaded this and read it last
night. If you care about this List and have any consideration for
those of us who want to talk vintage computer only, PLEASE READ THE
FAQ, especially section 2.8 (check your personal drivel at the door).
I'm a newcomer to the Classiccmp List and have found that with all the
off topic (I hope I haven't been guilty of this, I've certainly tried
to be on topic) postings the List is somewhat like a cow pasture, you
need to watch where you step. I wade through countless inane, insipid
and irrelevant postings. Why?
Let's keep on topic and keep personalities off the list and private.
Abide by section 2.8 and all of us will benefit.
Marty Mintzell