Subject: Re: Xerox 820 system disks in Teledisk format?
From: "bfranchuk at" <bfranchuk at>
Date: Thu, 07 May 2009 14:52:18 -0600
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <cctalk at>
Allison wrote:
You need to add Zilog Z280 to that list of split I&D space cpus.
I was looking at the 1978 ... 1983 time line...
PS. I like the 6809 and OS/9...
Yes, in the 8bit world the 6809 is an impressive cpu. OS/9 I have no experience
with those though I have a 6809 COCOIII and a homebrew 6809 running CUBIX. It's
the closest thing I've used and programmed to a PDP11 that is not 68000 or 32 bits.