Nice little summary article.
From that:
When Mattel demonstrated this computer at a trade show >in 1983, employees
had to conceal one of the keys with >masking tape. For some bizarre reason
known only to >Matte l engineers, the Aquarius had a convenient key >that
instantly rebooted the computer and wiped out all >your data."
It was called the RESET key and I hated it. They at >least designed a
little ridge around it so it was harder >to accidentally press. However, I
remember you could do >a CTRL-C or some other control key sequence and
"undo" >the RESET (basially it would cancel the reset and put >you back
where you just were).
When you first turned the Aquarius on, you had a little >intro screen that
said whatever, something like "Mattel >Aquarius" ... "Press any key to
continue". When you >pressed a key it initialized BASIC and plopped you
into a prompt.
Pressing the RESET key apparently didn't erase the >memory but just took
you to the initial startup screen, >so it was made possible to back out of
a RESET using the >control key sequence.
Sellam International Man >of Intrigue and
Looking for a six in a pile of nines...
Coming soon: VCF 4.0!
VCF East: Planning in Progress
See for >details!
One thing I'm surprised that did not make it onto that list it the Macintosh
Portable (it probably was #21 or thereabouts). If the DG/1 required Superman
to pick it up, I don't want to know who they would have required to pick it
David Vohs, Digital Archaeologist & Computer Historian.
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Computer Collection:
"Triumph": Commodore 64C, 1802, 1541, FSD-1, GeoRAM 512, Okimate 20.
"Leela": Macintosh 128 (Plus upgrade), Nova SCSI HDD, Imagewriter II.
"Delorean": TI-99/4A.
"Monolith": Apple Macintosh Portable.
"Spectrum": Tandy Color Computer 3.
"Boombox": Sharp PC-7000.
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