Just looking at some 6502 stuff, and the program counter notes at
http://www.6502.org/tutorials/6502opcodes.html#PC say:
"When the 6502 is ready for the next instruction it increments the program
counter before fetching the instruction."
... which seems to imply that T-cycle 0 of an instruction first increments
PC, then fetches the opcode from the memory location pointed to by PC.
Which seems nuts, as it would also mean that either jump addresses would
have to be off by 1, or at the start of T0 the CPU would have to determine
what the _previous_ instruction was and then either increment PC or leave
it alone accordingly. And all of this would have to happen before the
address is placed on the address bus approximately 1/4 of the way into T0.
I expect that what actually happens is that PC's contents are latched onto
the address bus during the clock-low half of T0, R/W is asserted, and
*then* PC is incremented. During the subsequent clock-high half of T0, the
data bus will reflect the contents of [PC] as it was at the start of T0,
and the PC increment will complete, so that at the end of T0 PC is pointing
to either an operand byte for the current instruction, or the next
instruction in the sequence (if the current instruction has no operands).
Can anyone confirm? Although technically I suppose the text on the site
would still be accurate, because the increment would actually have begun
before the fetch had entirely completed, but the way it reads to me is that
the opcode fetch happens at [PC+1], not [PC]...
The text then goes on to say: "Once it has the op code, it increments the
program counter by the length of the operand, if any."
6502 operands can be 1 or 2 bytes in length; the above seems to imply that
for a 2-byte operand it would add 2 to PC - meaning it would have to fetch
the first operand byte from PC-1 (and there's no PC-decrement logic in
sight). I expect that what it really does is fetch the first byte from PC
(which will have been incremented during the opcode fetch cycle),
increments PC by 1, fetches the second byte, and increments PC again.
Right? :-)
Now, someone on the BBC micro list said they think that the 6502 might
always do an operand byte fetch immediately after an opcode fetch, even if
that instruction doesn't have any operand data - simply because it takes
time for the CPU to decode the instruction. If it turns out that the
instruction doesn't have an operand, it avoids doing the PC increment that
would have been done if an operand were present (which means that at the
next cycle, which the CPU will perform as an opcode fetch, the same byte is
re-read from memory and interpreted as an instruction).
Does anyone know if this "always read" is what happens? Or is the
instruction decoding actually quick enough for the CPU to know by the end
of T0 that there's no opcode data (and so it can reset its cycle counter
and perform the next cycle as an opcode fetch)?