Just a followup... I shot someone an email at the ASC about Cray software
and here was the response...
While we do still have some of the hardware from the
X-MP, we haven't held
onto any of the software for it, and even if we had the
tapes would have
degraded by now. You may >want to try talking to Jim Curry <jcurry5 at mac.com>
who runs a Cray museum and has taken several of our old systems to see if
he's acquired anything like that.
Derek Gottlieb
HPC Systems Analyst, CSC
Alabama Supercomputer Center
686 Discovery Dr., Huntsville, AL 35806
High Performance Computing | dgottlieb at
asc.edu |
On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 9:42 AM, Jonathan Katz <jon at jonworld.com> wrote:
On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 8:55 AM, Geoffrey Oltmans
<oltmansg at gmail.com>
I wonder if our local Alabama Supercomputer
Authority office might have
archives of software for the Cray X-MP and on. They are down the street
It may be worth asking. I know a few people who've gone through hades
and back just to get Unicos for more recent Cray hardware.