< >> My question is why did everything go to
Hell between 300BC and 0AD? H
< >> you believe the earth was flat? Where did this idea come from
< > Wasn't that around the time of the burning of the 'library' in
< > Alexandria?
< In fact, did anybody belive this, or is it just a
< urban legend ?
I think it is ascribed to the dark ages, roughly
700-1400AD Europe.
The polical power of the church was strong then and
science was nearly
Science ? Just define science - AFAIK they had a lot of
scientific research - just more in a way a 'bit' different.
Their approach ist just alien for us today. And in fact, the
church at this time wasn't anti-science they promoted research
and payed a whole lot of money to support researchers. But
like every big institution they are a bit slow when it comes
to new ideas (Ever tried to launch a project based on a complete
new idea ?). Even if you advance to the time of Galileo, the
force behind the bann have just been some 'fellows' out of
sheer envy.
As mor as I learn about this 'dark ages' as less dark they
apear. Not even very different from before or after (especialy
not differentfrom now ).
Ich denke, also bin ich, also gut