On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 16:09, Jules Richardson
<jules.richardson99 at gmail.com> wrote:
?1) He's a total nutball,
?2) He's lying and the machine that got nuked wasn't anything special at all
(with the machine shown beforehand being either faked, or the genuine thing
which got swapped at the last minute),
?3) Both of the above
The fact that it was posted to a computing section rather than any kind of
'art' area suggests part of his aim is to stir up publicity, negative or
otherwise. The fact that it's priced so insanely high suggests he doesn't
*want* it to sell at all, possibly because he's worried about a fraud
I agree, he seems like a total attention whore in the video.
However, can _any_ fat mac be considered "historically relevant"?
AFAIK, it brought nothing new to the table other than the marketing
realization that selling an underpowered non-expandable computer will
NOT convert the masses to your revolutionary "computing appliance".
Were there even any modifications to the motherboard other than adding
more or bigger RAM chips?
He seems to think it's first off the line due to the "M0001W" model
designation - the serial number is never shown.
I have an original 128k Mac, in very nice condition, fully functional.
It's not getting anywhere NEAR a microwave. :-)
Joachim Thiemann ::