First the Mindset PC...
I just received 2 Mindset PCs, one in the original boxes. I plan on
testing the one in the original boxes and then storing it away. The
other I plan on using. Here is what I know about these so far. They
were 80186 based. Base unit came with 64K RAM, 32K for programs and
32K for video and 32K of ROM. It included 2 ROM/NVRAM cartridge
ports up front. The expansion unit plugged into the top of the
base unit and raised the RAM to 256K and added 2 360K floppy drives.
In place of slots, the system has 6 cartridge ports in the back, 3 in
the base and 3 in the expansion unit. Things like RS-232 ports,
parallel ports, etc came in cartridges which slid into these ports.
It also included a mouse. It had enhanced graphic features (for the
time) driven by some special chips I believe. Connections in the
back provide for RGB, Composite and TV hook-ups as well as Audio
connections. And a cool graphics program called Lumena which
included some animation capabilities. I understand there was some
sort of genlocking capability as well. It almost appears that
this was the "Amiga" of the Intel world. I'll know more after I've
had a chance to do more than unpack and power up the system.
I would like to know if anyone else here has one of these or any info
for them. I have the Disk Operating System Manual and the Mindset
Operation Guide but no real hardware refs. I'd be interested in any
info on the hardware itself or software, carts, etc.
Now for the Fortune 32:16...
I've had two different models of these for a while now but without
the Fortune terminal. These are 68000 Unix based systems and it
appears that you need special keys on the terminal to cleanly startup
and shutdown the system. I have been travelling and need to look
into this a little better. Anyway, if anyone has one of these
terminals they would like to pass on or could find out what code
sequence the special keys send so I could re-program my terminals I'd
really appreciate it.
David Williams - Computer Packrat