Also an Aquarius Personal Computer Model 5931R from
Radofin Electronics
(Far East) Ltd. Has anybody ever heard of this thing? I sure haven't.
I've heard of a thing called a Mattel Aquarius (or is it Matel?). This was
a cheap (< \pounds 100.00) UK home computer sold in the early-mid 1980's.
It had a blue rubber keyboard, and sounds something like your unit.
I think it was Z80-based, probably with ROM basic.
It has small blue rubber keys and a template with
basic commands
written all over it. It's about 30cm x 18cm x 4cm. On the back
there are three ports labelled Print, Cass, and TV. It has a big
cartridge slot (but came with no cartridge :(. I cracked it open
to see what's on the board but it has a big shielding cage soldered
all the way around the board edge and I just didn't have the time
to tackle that. Plugged it in and attached it to a composite
monitor but got nothing. The power light did come on. I'm guessing
It may well be a TV RF output. I _think_ the UK version had a built-in UHF
modulator for our channel 36, so I guess the US version outputs on your
channel 3 or 4. Try connecting it to the aerial (antenna?) input of the TV
and seeing what happens.
it probably doesn't operate without a cartridge.
Any info on the
thing would be much appreciated.
I thought it had a built-in ROM basic...
Bill Whitson
The gates in my computer are AND,OR and NOT, not Bill