Subject: Re: Minix
From: woodelf <bfranchuk at>
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 08:20:58 -0700
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <cctalk at>
Chris M wrote:
>IINM, the first edition was yeller, and had no media.
>I don't have it in front of me, but I'm pretty sure it
>was numero uno. The source code of course is printed
>in the book. And I thought 3 editions were already
The second edition had V2 Minix on CDrom with it. It ran on
8088s and there was a small memory version.
Well my copy did have media. Just too many moves with
no storage.
I checked the minux 3 faq and and it says 4 meg of ram needed,
the web blurb says 8 and all want 16 meg.I guess you could
compile it for a smaller system. Did not early 386's only
have 2 or 4 meg ram?
Minix 3 is bigger. Most 386s were either small as in 1-4meg or
could go to 16-32m. My inboard 386 has 1mb of onboard
plus potential expansion to 4meg. But my SIIG 3000 has 5meg
of 30pin simms in it. A 386/33 mini AT board I have will
take 8 30 pin simms or 32meg max. I have 8meg in it.