Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. wrote:
I'm still
keeping an eye out for a dn10k. I've never used one, but a
multi-CPU setup using such an oddball CPU really appeals - I like
weird stuff :-)
I wouldn't mind a DN10K either.... physically large is the only
drawback :-) (that and prob eats a good deal of power).
Heh, I could handle that - although shipping it to get it here would be a
major headache.
I would love to find a DN3XX. Wouldn't mind a
3500 either.
The 3xxx and 4xxx machines are pretty nice (although not as high a build
quality as the 4xx's). Fun to mess around with - although I suppose the thing
about Apollos is that to really enjoy them you need more than one :-)
We had these in the CIS program at college (first
DN3XX then
some DN3000 and DN3500, and one DN10K). The DN10K was
unique enough it rarely got used for anything except to play
an awesome remake of the Star Wars arcade game (or so my
memory cells remember it as such (awesome)).
Heh - if only that still survived; I assume it's long-gone (the software - but
the machine too, I guess)
Sadly... I don't own any Apollo gear. I do have a
set of OS tapes
around somewhere, although who knows if they are good anymore.
(don't even know if I could find them anymore :-().
Actually, counter to what I said in my reply to Simon, I don't have any dn10k
media - if that's what you have then keep an eye out for it. Close to rocking
horse poop, it is...
Media for the 'lesser' apollos is definitely alive and well, however.