Hello McFadden,
On 01-Sep-00, you wrote:
Regarding White Castle Burgers
While living in St. Louis in the late 70's there was an article about the
origin of the White Castle burger. Square burgers with holes to allow
to cook rapidly, normally cooked with onions. Easily
consumed by the
since they were about 3" squares. Originally
only available in St. Louis,
there were a bunch of White Castle fans/fanatics in Arizona who would
a refrigerated tractor trailer full every year and
would have a huge bash
consume them. Now they are more widely available.
Best with massive
quantities of beer after the bars close. Rumored also to stop any
chemically induced munchies. Any printout that was generated while you
eating them smelled of onions and grease.
Burger biter
According to what their PR department says, the first White Castle was in
Wichita, KS. The first ones I saw were in Columbus OH. I wan't too
impressed with the small size, but I do like them now. Three or 4 WC's equal
one normal hamburger.
BTW, note that the buns are no more than Parkerhouse rolls. Hence the size
of the pattie. I like mine with cheese and horseradish mustard.
I have yet to figure why the frozen varieties cost more than the fresh ones.
a computer geek/fast food conniseur/trivia
Gary Hildebrand
Box 6184
St. Joseph, MO 64506-0184