They are not like the PDP-11 PSU blocks. Those can
operate without any load as they are series regulators.
The PSU's of the VAX 11/750 *must* have a certain minimum
load for correct operation because they are switched-mode.
I do not remember if those SMPSU's can be damaged by
running them without a minimum load, but I know SMPSU's
that will die without a load.
Actually many PDP-11 power supplies are switchers as well, even
in some of the fairly early models. For instance, the H744 and H745
power supplies of the 11/40, 11/45, 11/55, and 11/70, and the OEM
versions of those, 11/35 and 11/50. The small-box version of the
11/35 (10.5-inch tall chassis) might use something else, I don't have
docs on it.