"Zane H. Healy" <healyzh at aracnet.com> skrev:
At 12:07 PM +0100 5/7/07, Rod Smallwood wrote:
1. Are Mentec still selling PDP-11 operating
system licenses?
You can still buy licenses, and yes, I do know someone to talk to about it.
Don't expect to ever see a Hobbyist License, and don't blame Mentec.
True, and sad.
2. Are they
still making PDP-11 hardware?
I'm honestly not sure who might still be making hardware at this
point, although I don't think Mentec is any more.
Quickware and Strobe?
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol