From: pete(a)
On Dec 18, 0:37, pete@mindy wrote:
"101100" at 1200, you'll see
it's actually a Manchester code:
__ _____ __ __ _____
| |__| |__| |__| |_____| |
--1-- --0-- --1-- --1-- --0-- --0--
Oops, I take that back :-) Although the Sorcerer manuals describe it as a
Manchester encoder/decoder, what it puts on the tape is FSK. I just
checked the schematic and circuit description.
Dwight hasn't exactly described Manchester encoding either, though.
Manchester encoding puts the clock transition in the *centre* of each
cell, and the polarity of the transition determines whether it's a 0 or a
1. There's a phase shift at the cell boundary if necessary. His diagram
*could* be Manchester encoding if you shift the 0s and 1s slightly to the
left, except for the last bit. It should be (maybe 'd' for "down" and
for "up" makes it more obvious):
___ _ ___ _ ___
|___| |_| |_| |___|
-0- -1- -1- -0- -0- -1-
d u u d d u
It's too late at night here, for any more of this :-)
Hi Pete
Yes, you are correct. The difference in the Poly format
was between RZ vers NRZ. I think Manchester only refers to
the clocking, as you described.