Need to thin out a few things in my collection, and my good Lisa is up
for grabs.
Here's the photos:
It's about 99% awesome. It's functional and runs, but here's what I'm
- Keyboard. It works, but still has original foam pads. So I should say,
it works... for now. :P The top 8 and 9 keys require a harder press.
- Something in the analog circuitry? It's quite possibly as simple as
needing new capacitors, but the power supply produces a high pitched
sound. The sound changes in pitch slightly when adjusting the horizontal
width. On a related note, this machine did have the square pixel video
upgrade which I removed and brought it back to a real Lisa. (The high
pitched noise was still happening before then.) The display geometry
needs to be tweaked a bit to perfection, but I got it close. I did try
the power supply from my other Lisa with the same results. I don't have
the time right now to investigate it or replace the caps, so someone
more knowledgeable can play with it.
- The I/O board did have a smidge bit of battery goop on it, though the
previous owner did remove the battery before it got bad. I did
neutralize it with vinegar, and then electrical contact cleaner, and
then desoldered the yucky bits, cleaned 'em, checked for continuity in
the traces, and resoldered, and cleaned again. The traces had perfect
continuity, but I'm paranoid and like redundancy so I ran wires. Just
'cause. Oh, and ran wire through the affected via's. Also out of
paranoid redundancy. :P
The good stuff!:
- No screen burn.
- Excellent case, even yellowing, no gouges/scratches.
- Floppy drive reads/writes/ejects perfectly.
- Power light works.
- Rev. H ROM's.
- 1MB RAM.
- Dual parallel port expansion card.
- Profile drive sounds awesome. Bearings sound amazing for its age.
- Apple branded power and parallel cables.
- Owners manual, Lisa Pascal Workshop manuals, and a copy of Workshop C
System manual. I do not have the Pascal or C Workshop disks.
- I'll include the disks I created.
- Manufactured in '83.
Either way, it's a beautiful machine that requires minimal tinkering.
Asking $1,200 shipped to the US. Local pickup is also welcome.
Please let me know if you have any questions!