The old OrCAD electronics drafting software came with a tool which pretty
automatically generated an 800x600 driver for most any available card of the
day. This suggests that a "generic" driver may be available. My experience
with the 1Kx768 types has been less encouraging, however.
-----Original Message-----
From: Max Eskin <max82(a)
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Monday, July
05, 1999 6:00 AM
Subject: Re: OT: A call to arms (sort of)
On Sun, 4 Jul 1999, Tony Duell wrote:
Actually, if you want to do anything beyond plain
VGA then you do start
to have problems. This is what started this discussion - the fact that
many modern video cards are _not_ properly documented.
What worries me even more is that there is no universal SVGA standard, as
there is with VGA. S3 requires a different driver than Trident 9400, while
the results are indistinguishable for me.
--Max Eskin (max82(a) Ignorance is Impotence - Knowledge is