The John Bell 6502 board used to be advertised in the back pages of pre-1980
Byte magazines, along with a selection of other JB cards. I seem to recall
the 6502 card was minimal-chip system essentially aimed at "embedded
processor" type applications. So I don't think it came with a preprogrammed
EPROM; you were expected to develop your own firmware for it. They had
another bare board for a video display terminal based on an Intel 8085
(basically an implementation of the circuit in an Intel application note)
and they also sold some low-cost interface cards for Apple II parallel
interfacing using the 6522 VIA chips that were then popular in Commodore
Pets. I remember building a couple of those JB interfaces for lab
experiments. I wonder who "John Bell" was and whatever happened to him?
Arlen Michaels
-----Original Message-----
From: Marvin []
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 1999 9:40 PM
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Subject: Other Bazaar Boards
Another board that I picked up is a John Bell
Engineering 6502
Microcomputer. At this point, I don't know if it works, and a couple of
chips are missing including the EPROM. I have the docs for the 2716 EPROM
programmer, but didn't find the board.
Arlen Michaels amichael(a)
Nortel Networks, Ottawa, Canada