I wonder if there is some incompatibility when reading 60MB
tapes in a 150MB device.
I've read hundreds of 60 meg tapes on 150 meg drives.
What probably has happened is the end of the tape where the direction
reverses either has been damaged
due to the tape being slightly sticky with age, or there is now a pile
of oxide and binder where the direction reversed.
Whoever developed serpentine transports apparently never thought about
the problem of oxide and binder
shedding as the tape ages (or gets sticky). You end up with gunk on the
head, which deposits itself on the
tape when the head reverses direction.
Since the real size of a QIC tape block is 512 bytes, you might try
reading 512 bytes at a time to keep the drive
from trying to form a larger block near the far end of
the tape out of
parts from the forward and backward tape
directions. This also minimizes the data lost if a block can't be
recovered. The down side is it can slow transfers
down a lot.