Eric Smith <eric at> wrote:
Johnny Billquist wrote:
I didn't include any of the tape controllers because they do TMSCP, not
MSCP. It's possible that I'm being overly pedantic.
True. About pendantic, I don't know... TMSCP and MSCP are very similar,
but there are few differences as well. The device drivers usually share
the port code part, and just have a different "upper" end.
> And the
RQZX1, which talks both SCSI and floppy.
I've never seen one. Someone once
told me that they didn't do MSCP
which caused me to lose interest. But if they do, I should keep an eye
out for one. The usual resellers seem to think they're made out of
solid Rhodium.
I have one. They talk MSCP and TMSCP. They have SCSI and a floppy
interface to connect disks. It's a quad card, so bigger than most other
SCSI controllers out there for Q-bus, but it's nice.
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol