On 5 Nov 2007 at 22:50, Grant Stockly wrote:
I happen to have a copy of the manual for Don Tarbell's first floppy
controller for S-100 machines. While not particularly interesting
from the controller standpoint, there is a fair amount
of "I've got
this drive; how can I make it work with your
And--ta-da--one of the drives mentioned is the Pertec FD400. What
follows is what one would need to do to connect an Altair drive to a
Tarbell controller that's been hooked to the 37-pin Altair case
connector. So the pin numbering given here is of the 37-pin
connector, not the Pertec drive connector. My commentary is added.
Understand that this is sort of "inside out", but should give you a
good idea of what's what--and the Tarbell controller is documented to
a fare-thee-well.
Here's what Don's got (again, note that the pins are the DC-37 pin
Pin 5 - Write Data; same as 842 WD
Pin 4,3 Write gate and Trim Erase; tie together and interpret as WG
Pin 2, Current select; same as 842 TG43/RWC
Pin 9, Index; same as 842 INDEX
Pin 1, Ready; same as 842 READY
Pin 13, Enable; tie to GND so drive is always enabled
Pins 6 and 7, Step In and Step Out. You'll need a little glue to
generate STEP and DIRECTION pulses from these. You may want to add a
little delay to make sure that DIRECTION is asserted slightly before
STEP--check the 842 docs on this one.
Pins 15 and 14, Drive Select 0 and 1; same as 842 DS0 and DS1
Pin 8, Head Load, same as 842 HLD
Pins 16 and 17, DA-C and DA-D; tied to ground
Pin 18, NEXT DE - tied to ground
Pin 10, Track Zero - Same as TK00 on 842
Pin 11, Raw Data; same as RDATA on 842
I don't know if this is terribly helpful, but it's a starting point.
One thing that interests me slightly more is the possibility of a
regular 3.5" disk connected to the Altair. I don't care about the
encoding or format being compatible with a standard controller.
It is very similar, but is also a soft sector disk/drive. How close
is close? Can I just use a microcontroller with a timer to time from
one index to the next and divide it up into 32 sectors? Will this be
close enough for the Altair? Anyone know what kinds of errors I
would get? A microcontroller running at 16MHz would be able to count
between pulses with 16MHz/1 accuracy. With the SA800 I would have a
sector hole sensor giving me the correct timing.
There still is the issue of the write trim erase feature, whatever that is...
Any comments or ideas on the idea? Is it worth trying? I've got a
very weird tarbell card that formats and uses 3.5" disks as a 70k
mini floppy. I guess anything is possible. : )
2 - Density Select (/REDWC)
8 - Index (/INDEX)
10 - Motor Enable Drive 0 (/MOTEA)
12 - Drive Select 1 (/DRVSA)
14 - Drive Select 0 (/DRVSB)
16 - Motor Enable Drive 1 (/MOTEB)
18 - Direction Select (/DIR)
20 - Head Step (/STEP)
22 - Write Data (/WDATE)
24 - Floppy Write Enable (/WGATE)
26 - Track 00 (/TRK0)
28 - Write Protect (/WPT)
30 - Read Data (/RDATA)
32 - Head Select (/SIDE1)
34 - Disk Change/Ready (/DISKCHG)
I'm not going to sleep a wink tonight. I hate having ideas at 10PM... : (