Another find (along with a SPARCBook, ooh!).
Interesting thing about this external box is that the manual says it was
designed primarily for NeXT compatibility. It's a dual input / dual
output audio processor with a DSP interface for connecting to a wide
variety of machines.
This one came with an S-32C SBUS interface card for a Sun, but the
unfortunate thing is that the hard disk that the owner had with all the
interface code on is a little unwell, so it remains to be seen if I can
drag anything off it.
In the meantime though, anyone else have one of these critters,
preferably hooked up to a Sun with some example code they can send me?
I've got the manual for the ProPort box itself, which goes into some
detail about programming, but it seems that the user was left pretty
much on their own to write whatever custom app they needed to actually
make use of it.
I gather that Ariel who made it (and the I/F card) used to run a BBS
with example code on, but of course that's long gone...
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