Hah, okay, I get to be (one of) the young whippersnapper(s).
1981 actually *saw* first computer, it was a TI 99/4 of some kind (I think).
The teacher wouldn't let me anywhere near it. I was five at the time.
1984 got first computer, a Tomy Tutor, which is as anyone who went to VCF
knows by now, is a TI-like architecture, funnily enough. At school we
were using Apple II+ systems.
My first experience with a C64 was in third grade. I was immediately
repelled by quote mode and when my parents bought one, I refused to
touch it. I was then given a lecture on how much they dropped on the
system and forcibly weaned from the Tutor.
1987 First C128. Meanwhile, my buddy's dad gets a Mac Plus and we spend
hours playing ZeroGravity and Stunt Copter. Where art thou, Duane
Blohm, O consumer of my middle school?
1990 Buddy finds a MicroVAX. It boots exactly once, and never boots again.
1992 Parents finally buy a 386SX. It was absolutely abominable by today's
standards, but the 300dpi laser printer they bought beat the crap out of
the 128's abused Star NX-10C. Computer later literally goes up in smoke
when Dad tries to install a 387, and we upgrade to a 486, and then a
P75 ('97, I think?), and last year they got a K6-2 450.
Meanwhile, I inherited the Tomy and all the Commodore equipment, and later
acquired all the systems I played with but never got to keep. I got this 7300
a few months ago, pulled the 604e and put in a G3, and now on my desk is an
SE/30, this G3/400 "7300", a Commodore 128D and an abused 486 laptop that is
the docking station for the 95LX. My IIsi is in the bedroom, and most of the
other systems are in the closet except for the Intellivision which is
reserved for Loco-Motion and Shark! Shark!
No old iron here, but the KIM-1 is on old wood. :-)
----------------------------- personal page:
http://www.armory.com/~spectre/ --
Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University * ckaiser(a)stockholm.ptloma.edu
-- Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. -- Salvor Hardin -----------