On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 4:21 PM PST David Riley wrote:
On Feb 28, 2013, at 3:45 PM, Chris Tofu wrote:
But the burning question is could you fiddle with the extension rom code and use it as a
loadable device driver? After all you could transfer rom BASIC to a disk file and run it
that way.
Probably not; extension ROMs usually provide services to the BIOS (or
hook interrupts used by the BIOS and run in place of the BIOS
routines) while DOS drivers tend to provide services directly to DOS.
It's akin to the difference between a driver and an application (but
obviously not exactly the same).
I would have guessed extension roms contain raw independent code. Largely just writing
values to port addtesses
Whether you could run a script from autoexec.bat or
config.sys to
execute expansion ROM code after DOS boot is another question, but
I have no idea how well that would work after the BIOS has already
handed over control to the OS (I suspect not so well, but I don't
know for sure). You can certainly try jumping to the code location
in DEBUG or the like.
Which lead me to ask what a video device driver is/does. Presumably when you type Mode
co,80 iirc, or screen 1 in basic, you're assigning different values to ports ie
fiddling with say the 6845's registers, thereby creating another screen on the fly.
Unless I'm wrong. But if not, isn't that kind of what a dd does? There's bound
to be more then that going on. But code is code, regardless of what stage of the game
you're in, start up, boot up, os fully installed. The os only has as much control as
you allow it. You communicate with dos, but s/w at least can manipulate the h/w. Which is
why s/w has too much power under dos. When dos transfers control to a bunch of code,
it's boss.
- Dave