On Oct 3, 2013, at 19:19 , Josh Dersch <derschjo at gmail.com> wrote:
Can anyone tell me what kind of connectors these are?
I'm a collector of military radio equipment and other related gear. I've seen
connectors similar to the rectangular ones before in military hardware, but I do not know
the nomenclature of them at this time.
I can offer a bit more help with the blue connectors, though, since I had to search for a
while to identify that style when I was researching the AN/GRA-71 code burst keyer a
couple years ago. I had seen those connectors many times before, but I didn't know
what they were called. That made it pretty hard to find new ones!
I found that a company called Positronic makes them under their Miniature Circle Hex
Connector line, Cooper Interconnect makes them as their 126 series miniature hexagonal
connectors, Continental Connectors used to (?) make them as series C-20 hexagonal
connectors, and WPI Interconnect Products calls them 126 series miniature hexagonal
connectors. As of a couple years ago, Newark Electronics carried the Cooper Interconnect
ones. I never did find old catalogs or datasheets online for the Amphenol brand that I can
see in your picture. With all of the mergers, acquisitions and company name changes over
the years, I don't know how many unique manufacturers I identified vs. how many names
of the same factory I found!
This may not help with your monitor cable project, but I hope it helps in some other way.
Please email me off-list if you would like me to share the various datasheets and catalogs
I found when I researched this a couple years ago.
Mark J. Blair, NF6X <nf6x at nf6x.net>