Hello, I hope no one minds if I post this list of a few important documents
that I think will interest the group, I don't think eBay is the best venue
for them, and I'd rather someone from the group get first shot. Please just
respond back to me directly.
Below, just $5 each plus shipping:
- Netronics 64K S100 Memory Board "JAWS" - approximately 20 pages stapled
with assembly instructions and lots of schematics - no date, maybe 1978ish?
- Solid State Music 2P + 2S I/O Board - approximately 20 pages stapled with
assembly instructions, function check, setup and schematics - 1977.
- Dutronics 8KLST/4KLST Memory Board - approximately 7 pages stapled with
assembly instructions and schematic - no date, maybe 1976ish?
- Dynabyte 32K Memory Board - approximately 12 pages stapled with nice heavy
paper covers, professional inside. Includes general and operating
instructions, memory test program and excellent schematics - 1978.
- Canada Systems CL2400 Real Time Clock - Two manuals; one approximately 12
pages (Assembly Manual - assembly instructions and checkout) stapled with
nice heavy paper cover, and one approximately 6 pages (Appendix - parts list,
schematics) stapled with nice heavy paper cover - 1977.
- Artec Electronics 32K-100 Memory Board - approximately 16 pages stapled
with assembly instructions, parts list, theory of operation and lots of
schematics - 1977.
Below, just $10 each plus shipping:
- Zapple 8K BASIC User's Manual by Technical Design Labs - approximately 25
pages with plastic ring, notebook style binding and heavy paper covers -
- GraphicAdd Board manual for the VDM and SOL, KEA Micro Design -
approximately 30 pages with nice heavy paper covers, includes assembly
instructions, theory of operations, software package listings (Life
animation!) and schematic, some underlining and writing with some tape on
covers - 1977.
- Cromemco 8K Bytesaver Instruction Manual - approximately 14 pages with very
nice heavy paper covers, stapled at spine. Includes assembly instructions,
parts list, Bytemover software, PROM data and excellent schematic - 1976.
Below, just $15 plus shipping:
- Cromemco DazzleWriter Software - approximately 15 pages stapled with memory
requirements, paper tape loading instructions and assembly and octal listings
- no date, maybe 1976ish?
Thank you, David Greelish
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